Ridgefield Animal Hospital offers acupuncture treatment to animals in Thibodaux and the surrounding communities in south Louisiana. Acupuncture treats a variety of conditions, especially those dealing with inflammation and pain. According to the American Animal Hospital Association “acupuncture offers a compelling and safe method for pain management in veterinary patients and should be strongly considered as part of multimodal pain management plans.” Acupuncture involves inserting small thin needles into specific points, called Acupoints. Acupoints are high density areas of free nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatic vessels, and small arterioles. Many of these points are areas where the nerve enters the muscle (called motor points). Research proves that when we stimulate these acupoints by placing needles in them, there is a release of beta-endorphins and serotonin which naturally cause pain relief. Acupuncture also increases blood circulation, stimulates nerves, and relieves muscle spasms.
Acupuncture restores energy flow or “qi” (pronounced chee) and can be used alone or with other medications recommended by your veterinarian. Once this flow is restored, the body is more balanced and will heal itself.
Acupuncture can be used successfully to treat a variety of conditions including IVDD or back pain, osteoarthritis, soft tissue injuries, chronic cough, gastrointestinal conditions, chronic kidney disease, urinary incontinence, allergies, endocrine disorders, and behavioral problems. Acupuncture is also used for end-of-life care and management of pain, appetite, and nausea secondary to cancer.
After intensive studying at Chi Institute in Reddick, FL, Dr. Kathryn Langley completed her acupuncture course and passed the examination to become a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA). She will do an individual assessment for your pet and determine an appropriate treatment plan. Some acute conditions may be treated with 1-2 sessions alone. Most chronic conditions must be treated several times and then need monthly treatments long term. These treatments can be used in conjunction with Western Medicine from your regular veterinarian, as well as Chinese Herbal Therapy, and Veterinary Manual Manipulation by Dr. Natali Robichaux.
We do take referrals from other veterinarians. Referred patients will receive a complete exam and Acupuncture as needed but will be referred back to their regular veterinarian for any other care that is needed. A patient evaluation will then be submitted back to the referral veterinarian to be filed with their records.
If you feel that your pet might benefit from acupuncture therapy, contact us to schedule an evaluation. Our service area includes Thibodaux, Houma, Morgan City, Raceland, Lockport, and all the towns in between.